Cash Grants for Businesses Available Soon
(1) Small Business Grant
The small business grant is a support payment of £10,000 for small businesses. To qualify for this grant, the business must:
-have been liable for businesses rates on the property on 11 March 2020
-have qualified for small business rate relief or rural rate relief on 11 March 2020
-have a rateable value of under £15,000.
(2) Retail, hospitality and leisure grant
The retail, hospitality and leisure grant is a support payment for businesses with a rateable value of less than £51,000 who are eligible for the expanded retail discount.
Businesses with a rateable value of up to £15,000 will receive a grant of £10,000. Businesses with a rateable value between £15,001 and £50,999 will receive a grant of £25,000.
To qualify for this grant, the business must:
– have been liable for business rates on the property on 11 March 2020
– have qualified for the expanded retail discount on 11 March 2020, had the scheme been in place on this date
-have a rateable value of under £51,000.
An application to apply for a grant will be available in the next few days. Register for email updates (on attached link) and DDC will let you know when the application form is available.…/…/Cash-grants-for-businesses.aspx
Please contact J&J if you need any assistance with this.